List of Nurses Content

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Top Sources to Get a List of Registered Nurses

To go along with the theme of this blog, I figured I would go ahead and give you the top sources to acquire a list of registered nurses.

This list of sources is general in itself as every hospital and healthcare agency has its own need.
The sources I am about to mention are general enough where everyone will be able to use these resources and taylor it to suit their needs.
Nursing Schools - If you want a list of fresh nurses that does not suffer from list fatigue this is the place to get it. Nursing schools produce thousands of nurses every year and these nurses will be out looking for a job as sooon as they graduate.
The drawback is that you will be looking at nurses without experience. On the other hand, the salary for theses nurses will be the entry salary.
Board of Nursing - The second source is to get a list from State Board of Nursing. Since all nurses that intend to work in a specific state must register with them, this is a great place to start.
One of the drawback however is that many of these nurses will not be available for work as they may already have a job or be retired.
Nursing Job Boards - The third source is to go through a nursing job board on the internet. Nursing job board have an advantage over the other in terms of freshness if you get a list of registered nurses from a popular job board, because the posts and new applications are constantly updated.
Nurse Staffing Agency - using a nurse staffing agency is a great way to keep from having to do any leg work as the good ones will have a great database of nurses that is constantly updated. The drawback is the cost as it can be very expensive.
List Brokerage Company - The last option which should be used with care is to contact one of the many list brokerage company. I say last option because it is difficult the determine how current the list is and how accurate it is.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Nurse as a Career - Top Nursing Facts

Before anyone thinks about getting into a career in nursing, I truly belive that they should be aware of some important nursing facts before enrolling in a nursing school.

I am not just talking about the basic personality aptitude it takes to be a nurse like caring, having a good head for mathematics and science but about the nursing industry.

Knowing these facts will help you decide whether nursing as a career is right for you.
  1. Currently, there is a nursing shortage and many nurses have to work over time

  2. Hospitals are looking more and more for nurse specialists

  3. There is a nursing shortage

  4. Patients can and will test your patience. If you are not patient or understanding of others, life as a nurse will be very difficult.

  5. Entry level nurses usually earn around $45,000 a year.

  6. Nurses are still perceived as simple assistants to doctors even though their actual role includes direct patient care, case management and more.

  7. BSN nurses are becoming the preferred over registered nurses.

I know that this is a bit off topic but I felt the need to write this because most nursing schools only have limited space every semester and it would be a shame to have someone take a spot and end up changing their career after a couple of years working as nurse.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Wisconsin Nurses - Planning for the Future

The Wisconsin State government have been taking the nurse shortage rather seriously and started a statewide survey of over 77,000 nurses.

The early results of this survey shows that only half of the nurses in Wisconsin are working in hospitals as the other half workin in clinics or community health centers.

The study found that the State of Wisconsin is mostly made up of nurses over the age of 45 which is something to worry about in the near future as when these nurses begin to retire, it will create a large nurse shortage unless the age difference in nurses can be equalized.

This information will be used by the state government to see about create and improving nursing programs as well as improving the nursing conditions to keep current nurses from leaving their profession.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Nurse Salaries

Many people in the nursing industy that are working in an understaffed hospital are able to make quite a bit of money in over time pay which is great for the hospital and the nurse.

However, there can be a down side to it because if the nurses keep working overtime day after day, week after week and month after month, it shows that there is a flaw in the system because so many overtime hourse on a regular basis should not exist. Also, it is proven that the more over time hours a nurse works the more likely that the nurse will make a mistake.

It was recently reported in the Toronto Sun that a nurse in Montreal, Quebec worked so many 16 hour shifts last year that he "racked up $127,715(CAD) in overtime pay". Compare this to his actual salary which is $102,285 and this seems like an insanely amount of hours to work.

Sure, if the nurses on staff can handle the extra shifts its great because of the money but the problem starts happening when the nurses are not able to cover shifts and mistakes start happening.

The hospital and the nurses in question should closely examine this because in the long run, this opens up situations where if a mistake does take place, then a hospital lawsuit for negligence is imminent. Just make a Google search for hospital negligence lawsuit and you will see that the top results are lawyers that specialize in hospital negligence. Especially since according to that article, this has been going on for over a year.